Steps to confgure RAD SQL profiler in WCS 7

Download ‘SQL Profiler’ from the below link and follow the same to install SQL profiler in WCS6 and also learn about how to troubleshoot application with the help of SQL profiler.

Follow the below steps to configure SQL Profiler in WCS7 :

  1. Unzip the JdbcProfiler and copy the jdbcProfiler.jar and paste it at 'SDP\runtimes\base_v7\lib\ext'.
  2. Go to 'WC/META-INF/ibmconfig/cells/defaultCell/applications/defaultApp/deployments/defaultApp/resource.xml ' and change the implementationclassName of Cloudscape, JDBC and Oracle JDBC driver as below,        
    Apache Derby
    IBM DB2 Type 4 JCC
  3. Unzip 'updatesite' and now go to RAD workspace, go to Help à Software Updates…àAvailable Software and click on 'Add Site' and select Local, now point to the updatesite folder which we unzipped.  Now install it by selecting all default values. After this RAD will be restarted.
  4. Now clean and publish the workspace, and restart the server, verify SQL profiler is working, Open SQL profiler repositories and click on the green play button to connect it, Now we can see all the SQL for the events ( like productDisplay page ) done on the server.


  1. Checkout this blog on WCS

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